Done is Better than Perfect

I first heard the phrase “done is better than perfect” on the Goal Digger Podcast several years ago. It’s trendy now, but the meaning behind it resonates so deeply with me. For so much of my life, I’ve held back from trying new things out of fear. Fear of failure and/or not having things go exactly the way I envision them. I didn’t strongly pursue team sports, and chose running and snowboarding as my activities because they were safe and comfortable for me. But even in snowboarding, I didn’t throw myself off jumps or try new tricks because…WHAT IF. What if I fell and broke something? …I’ve never broken a bone. What if I don’t do it perfectly? What if I’m not even close to doing it right? What if I look foolish? What if people criticize me? Welcome to the brain of an Enneagram 1, “The Perfectionist”. (More on the Enneagram in a future post)

That mindset also translates to work. I spend HOURS tweaking and perfecting things that don’t really matter, especially projects related to my own website, Instagram, etc. I spend so long, and then end up not finishing it, because of those same fears. What if it goes live, and no one responds? What if it’s not cohesive with my feed? What if I say the wrong thing?

I’ve been writing blog posts in my head for two years, and even have a note on my phone where I’ve kept a running list of topic ideas. I’ve designed dozens of thumbnail images and brainstormed content. But for all those silly reasons, I’ve never made the leap. Why? Because WHAT IF.

So, it’s time for a change. DONE is better than perfect.

a love for writing

I’ve journaled since I could write complete sentences as a kid, and made a daily practice out of it when I was a Freshman in highschool. I’ve filled over 60 journals, most of which are a hardcover black Moleskine, unlined (of course). I love to write and I think best when I write out what’s happening in my head, and can explain myself best that way. Bold headlines, bullet points? Heck yeah - I’m your girl. Even email is my jam.

A love for writing + tons of topic ideas = BLOG TIME

Unpolished. Imperfect. But DONE and LAUNCHED. Now who is going to bring me a bottle of wine to celebrate?

what’s this blog going to be about?

Minimal feelings, maximum value. Business. Lifestyle. Organization. And all I’ve learned in nearly 10 years of running a business. There’ll be tips, free downloads, and occasionally some “just for fun” posts. I STRONGLY DISLIKE long posts that keep you scrolling and skimming, so with the exception of this post - I’ll keep things short, to the point, and hopefully full of content that is valuable and interesting.


Daily Toolbox: Business