Looking back on 2019

Spending this week before Christmas looking back on 2019, while also goal setting and looking forward to 2020, and I thought it’d be fun to let you in on some of my reflecting. I’ve never been much of a New Years resolution-er because I think it allows for end of year stress and laziness to manifest in some not-so-great ways. The temptation during the holiday season is to slack off on the things we are typically disciplined with, eat worse, move less and put important tasks off “until the new year”. And well, I’m just not about that! While it’s important to rest, take time off and slow down during these last few weeks of 2019, it’s also important to remain true to who we are and prioritize what’s important. So while I do have some business goals set for 2020, I’m also feeling motivated and encouraged to continue with the rhythms I’ve put in place this year and end 2019 on a high note.


2019 was the biggest year yet for Braevin, including:

  • 21 new clients (both photo and design)

  • 15 return / ongoing clients

  • and the shop launched!

what i learned

I don’t have to “pick a lane”. The entrepreneurial world tells you to pick one thing and master it, but that just doesn’t work for me. I’m equally as passionate about graphic design as I am photography and running the shop, and don’t feel the need to sacrifice one in order to fit the standard “entrepreneur” persona. My Instagram feed may suffer because of that, but you know what, that’s ok. With that, I also learned to not take Instagram so seriously. Is it valuable? Yes. Is it a really helpful tool for marketing and interacting with potential clients? Absolutely. BUT, if Instagram went away tomorrow, I’m confident my business would not be impacted, and that’s even more important to me than likes/comments/engagement. Hear me when I say I’m not an Instagram hater, and that I do have goals to continue growing it in 2020. I simply realized that it’s a-ok to not have it as a top priority.

what brought joy

The 30+ clients of 2019 provided so much variety for each and every day. Hair stylists, a cocktail bar, coffee shops, photographers and more, brought fresh perspective, new opportunities, and tons of fun. 2019 had a nice balance of photography and design, which included countless chats, meetings and calls with clients that remind me why I do what I do.

I started taking (most) Friday’s off about half way through the year and the amount of JOY that this simple rhythm brought was greater than I could have imagined. I had the realization that I don’t have to be strapped to my desk from 8-5 M-F, and that running my own business gives me the freedom to do what’s best for me. So unless something unavoidable comes up, I utilize Fridays to get a good workout in, clean the house, grocery shop, meal prep and rest. That way, my mind is clear and most chores are done heading into the weekend.

looking ahead

As I mentioned, I’m not a big resolution gal. So for 2020, my goals are pretty simple:

  1. Be intentional. Post and create content with intentionality. If I don’t have a caption or words, or simply don’t feel like posting, I’m not going to post. I want the content that I share with all of you to be intentional and bring value. And with that - I want to be intentional outside of work as well. Choosing my words and actions wisely, while also being intentional with how I spend my time, money and schedule.

  2. Create margin. Stephen and I “under committed” our Fall season this year and kept our calendar really open. This has been SO GOOD and I want to carry this mindset and margin into 2020. Space to read. Space to spend time together and with friends. Space to be spontaneous. Space to rest.

  3. Shop growth! I have a long list of ideas for the shop, what to add and how I hope to see it grow. So be sure to keep checking back next year for more on that. :) I have to keep some things a secret!

  4. Pick a “word”. As the year wraps up and we turn the calendar, I going to be praying for a “word” for 2020. Something that’s just for me, as a reminder of who I am, what I’m all about, and what I want to focus on. Some years in the past have been: patience, forgiveness, etc. And I’m confident God has something great in store for me to focus on this next year.

Feeling so blessed as I look back on 2019 and can hardly wait for all that’s in store in the upcoming year. Be sure to sign up for my email list so that you don’t miss any of the exciting things coming your way in 2020!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


The Edit: Winter 2020


Let’s Talk Taxes