The Edit: Summer 2020

This season has flown by, to say the least. It feels like we’re finally having summer weather here in Oregon, yet we’re less than one month away from Fall! As much as I love warm sunny weather, Fall is by far my favorite season. And this year in particular, the countdown for Fall happens to coincide with the countdown to our little guy’s due date. :) So, along with the usual pinning, scrolling, listening, reading and shopping, you’ll find some fun baby things sprinkled throughout this post as well.


The usual: style and home inspo thrown in with client project research. Several clients have chosen a more neutral/natural color palette lately (my fav), so I’ve been hunting down lots of inspiration for all things green and earth tones. Follow along on Pinterest here.


Here’s a few accounts I’ve been scrolling through lately. Some I’ve followed for years, others are newer to my feed, and all of them are absolutely worth checking out!

  • @sharstinm A beautifully curated feed with the most stunning color palette. I’m a big fan of her oils + wellness page too!

  • @mushie The most gorgeous baby products, and I love the way they creatively photograph everything!

  • @animalsdoingthings Because sometimes we need to not take things so seriously. I could spend hours on this page giggling to myself (and I do).



I haven’t been doing nearly as much podcast listening lately as usual, but when I do, it’s these! “Mommy Labor Nurse” has been an incredible resource throughout this pregnancy. Birth stories, advice and expert interviews galore! “Saints’ Hill Church” is where we go on Sundays, so if we miss a week, this is where I tune in.

what’s currently on my bookshelf

Half Baked Harvest (cookbook)
I’ve been cooking out of this book for nearly 2 years and it never gets old. It’s been a staple for me this summer with all the great hearty salad recipes. If you’re looking for delicious food with incredible flavor (and some spice thrown in here and there) - this is for you!

Bringing up Bébé
Flew through this book and my husband just finished it as well. If you have kids, are pregnant, or wanting to have kids, this is a MUST read! A refreshing perspective on parenting, pregnancy, and being an all around good human.

The First Forty Days (cookbook)
This is on my “next up” list as our due date approaches. Have heard incredible things and can’t wait to stock my freezer for when baby boy arrives!

A Lineage of Grace
Reading this with some girlfriends right now and it has been so wonderful and life giving. If you’d read anything by Francine Rivers you know just how incredible she is!

shopping list

As I’m sure you can imagine, lately my online shopping carts have been 110% baby items. So for those of you in this season of life, you’ll enjoy the below snapshot of items I’ve purchased for the nursery and some cutie outfits I can hardly wait for him to wear!


Jacket Slippers Romper Vest Cable Knit SweaterSweater Set

I hope you enjoy scrolling through these as much as I enjoy writing them. Let the countdown to maternity leave, Fall, and baby boy, begin!

— Sarah


The Edit: Fall 2020


Clean Beauty and Household Favs